One of the chracteristics of his movies are their particular stories and characters, especially the villains who are very important in the fiction of the film.
He knew how it works the mind of the human being and offcourse the criminal mind, he was concient about the colective inconcient and put in his movies all of this knowledge playing with the audience mind, giving us blank spaces activating our imagination, suggestions and fears. He worked in his movies mostly the fear of the human being, the nightmares and the side behind the mirror of our nature, the dark side.
And the amazing thing about all of his work is the little bit of resources he used to record and to create all of the world he gave us in each one of his movies. All is about the great actings, the stories where every element who configure the pot, are complemented and had a particular reason of being. The frames, the scenerys and silences are fundamental to create tension and suggestions in the audience.
He knew how suspense works, if he showed us the explicit thing there is no time for reflection, and interpretation with our references or suggestions and fears, there must be that spaces of silence to let our mind work to finished the scene.
Very interesting comment and reflexion Carla!