Thursday, June 17, 2010

DADÁ it means nothing...






And one more time, I finding myself very nice (Tristan Tzara)

That is the manifest which was wrote by the poet and artist Tristan Tzara, the precursor of the Dadaism movement, and defines very well the objective and ideals of the whole participants of the avant-gard. The absurd thing, the ironic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reminds from the past

This picture was took by a Photographer call Luca Macinelli, I discovered it in my favourite page, once when I was looking for some dark and gothic scenerys.
And I fell in love with it, is so expressive and sublime, it is a perfect scenery. It has everything of a dramatic place. So lyric, mystic, mysterious, angelic, It seems to me to been watching a sacred scene, obviously because it is a picture from the exterior struture of a Cathedral in Milán. But I think this picture in a special way, reflects what is the superior objective of the Gothic Style in the medieval age. The stylized figures, statues, towers and details are projected to the sky, heaven, gods worlds, and if you find the rythm through the position of the whole figures and elements which configure this whole structure maybe you can imagine the sounds of angels, and holy creatures, gods, etc. It can give you a musical image.
That is my perception of the objective of Gothic style, create music from figures, gods music, this cathedrals were created to establish a comunication with god, but it is not the romanic comunication, when the churches were almost a military fortification and god was a dictator, now god is a lyric and evanescent entity, which appears to terrenal people through this elongated forms and figures, where the light and shadows are expressions of the sacred.
Only watching the picture you can feel an energetic thing, from the past, this cathedrals has many remembers, tails, ghosts, they are full of and spiritual perception. You can feel, nostalgic, sadness, lonelyness, protected......
When I saw this picture I remember and hear too, the Requiem of Mozart, specially the Lacrimosa of this piece of music, maybe you can do the exercise of seeing this photography at the same time you listen the lacrimosa, and, I don't know, you may feel something special, alegoric, mysthic, only if you wanted to offcourse. It's very beautiful really.
There isn't more words to explain the picture, you must to see it and think it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Erik Satie is a French musician, composer and a great pianist, from the finals of XIX century and begginings of XX. His work cannot be classified in some style or vanguard but he was ahead of time althought he enter to the conservatory at the age of 40, before of that event he worked in cabaret music. His compositions were an inspiration for some avant-gards it came after of his time and dead. His work is remembered like transgressor and sometimes grotesque, with strange names, ironic and black humor. His personality was annoying and sometimes he had weird ideas, paranoid and anger ones. He is the precursor of enviroment music. But with all this carachteristics and talent, he lived in misery and decadence.

The piece of music that you are listening right now, if you don't put paused at the music player, is called Gnossienne n°1, by this magnificent composer. The name "Gnossienne", hasn't had any meaning, is just an invented word from this serial of compositions. I don't have time to put some specific information about this score, but if you like it you can search it in wikipedia, there are more of this piano pieces called Gnossiennes.
This one is I like most, I heard it about 5 years ago with my uncle, he has a CD with his music, and I fell in love with this piece of art. I don't know exactly what I feel with it but is so romantic (not talking about love, the Romanticism), I imagine some kind of places, mistery, desperation, sadness, melancholy, ancestrals lives, other lives, undescriptible feelings and images. Is so simple and short, but when you listen to it you has and incredible journey through mistical worlds which are only in your imagination, through allegories which has sense only in our collective inconscient. Is just an oniric composition.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Walking music

I cannot live without my mp3, is very old an it has only 512 MG imagine how old it is. Is very special because I bought it about 6 years ago with my own money which I received from a work. But I think now I must to change it, because now I need more capacity tu put more music on it and the conector to the phones are failing.
I always carry it around, and when I forget it in my house I feel so empty because I missed it so bad. It's a very sad day when I cannot listen to my music, it becomes a pathological thing because sometimes I feel my temperament are cold and sad. The mostly of time my MP3 keep with me at the subway and when I'm riding to my house at the bus or taxi.
I like my MP3 because it has a very beautiful design, very simple, and small, it doesn't have too much buttons so is very easy to use. But the problem is with the capacity, there's not too much memory to put all the music that I want it, so I play the songs over and over again.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it" (A.H)

That's the quote which defines one of my favourite pieces of art; the crude, sinister and dark mind of Alfred Hitchcock. Nowadays is consider like one of the best british film makers, the father of suspense movies and one of the best directors of this kind of films. Tens of movies are included in his legacy, remarkable ones like Psycho, I confess, Rear Window, The Birds, Dial M for murder, Vértigo and The man who knew too much, among others.

One of the chracteristics of his movies are their particular stories and characters, especially the villains who are very important in the fiction of the film.
He knew how it works the mind of the human being and offcourse the criminal mind, he was concient about the colective inconcient and put in his movies all of this knowledge playing with the audience mind, giving us blank spaces activating our imagination, suggestions and fears. He worked in his movies mostly the fear of the human being, the nightmares and the side behind the mirror of our nature, the dark side.
And the amazing thing about all of his work is the little bit of resources he used to record and to create all of the world he gave us in each one of his movies. All is about the great actings, the stories where every element who configure the pot, are complemented and had a particular reason of being. The frames, the scenerys and silences are fundamental to create tension and suggestions in the audience.
He knew how suspense works, if he showed us the explicit thing there is no time for reflection, and interpretation with our references or suggestions and fears, there must be that spaces of silence to let our mind work to finished the scene.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I discovered this website when I was in the school, and I always search referents and images for my works of scenery, lighting and costume design. Or just to have beautiful pictures in my bank of images.

We can find so many interesting things, photographs, paintings, digital art, theatre design, fashion design, fanarts, literature, animations, shortfilms, objetcs design, portraits of celebritys, etc.
People of many places of the world upload to this site, their works, their art, so there are many differents points of view and versions of anything we want to find. And the other positive thing about this site is it permanently updating whit new pictures, because always there are many things to learn and to see.

The difference between this site and one like Flickr is that deviantart is more focus to an artistic field than other sites where people can upload another kind of pictures, themes, etc. That is the reason because I always visit this site first, I know that I can find something interesting.
I can visit this site for hours and hours and hours, and download tens of pictures, I take so much fun doing that. I enter to deviantart, almost everyday, because of my career, we must to see new pictures frecuently.

If you take a look to the site, you will find a search board, where you can search images writting a word, a concept, an specific field, specific objetc or person, landscape and scenery, fantasy pictures, etc...there are too many posibbilities...
I hope you enjoy this site so much as I do...

Another sites:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sublime nature.....

February 27th, 2010.....3:30 a.m....I woke up beacause I always do it when there is going to be an earthquake, or the most part of the time...When everything started to move, I was sure that it would passed like always, but when I realised that the movement was more prolongade and stronger I stand up from my bed and run to my mother's room (my sister was sleeping with my mother that night), and I almost shout her that we must to run to the backyard. And I don't know, the earthquake was so long that my mother turned off the alarm, she had enough time to do that! xD. When we were passing trough the corridor, I lost my balance and fell down, that was funny too. At the backyard, I saw everything was literatly jumping up and down, the trees, the plants, the walls, and I heard my neighbours cups and drink bottles falling down and crashing with the floor, and I saw how the light pole or post, I don't know what is the correct word, was exploting and seen it, was like the end of the word to mee. When everything stopped, we went out to the street to met with my neighbours and checked if all was in their places, the light obviously fell down (is that correct?), then we turn on the car's radio BIOBIO, and realised the magnitues of the earthquake, we were so shocked at that time.
The romantic nature in all their magnificent, we are nothing, so fragile in this big universe, in this country we are lost if we had a war or something like that, and we learned that with the earthquake, is just to break the highway and we are incomunicated, just to colapsed the phone lines and we are lost. Nothing works, not even the army, the navy, all is so confused, we must to learn about emergency things, we must to learn about the nature, read the nature, interpretate the nature....and don't trust in people that don't look so sure about what to do at the a little more in instints.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Introduction to my blog

Tony Johannot
The image doesn't had any propose in the next text, is just I like it.

This is my first time with a blog and I don't know exactly what am I supossed to write in it,
I'm just doing my homework of english class at the university, but I think this is going to be something interesting.
Maybe in another time I would like to write about movies or music, maybe the movie of the week or day, or something like that, but I don't know if I'm allowed to do that. I must answered to my teacher.
Honestly I'm very bad in redaction or writing things, but I'm doing my biggest effort, be pacient because it's hard to think in another language.
All of this is because if we win the FONDART xD, we're going to travel the next year to Europe, specifically to Praga. We're going to participate in a Quadrienal of Stage design and Theatre Architecture, that is my biggest motivation right now.
In the next chapter I'm going to write about the earthquake in the south-center of Chile, my experience and my thoughts about it, it is not to much interesting really, but....I must to do it...

Nothing to say......

Good night and Good luck...
