Thursday, June 17, 2010

DADÁ it means nothing...






And one more time, I finding myself very nice (Tristan Tzara)

That is the manifest which was wrote by the poet and artist Tristan Tzara, the precursor of the Dadaism movement, and defines very well the objective and ideals of the whole participants of the avant-gard. The absurd thing, the ironic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reminds from the past

This picture was took by a Photographer call Luca Macinelli, I discovered it in my favourite page, once when I was looking for some dark and gothic scenerys.
And I fell in love with it, is so expressive and sublime, it is a perfect scenery. It has everything of a dramatic place. So lyric, mystic, mysterious, angelic, It seems to me to been watching a sacred scene, obviously because it is a picture from the exterior struture of a Cathedral in Milán. But I think this picture in a special way, reflects what is the superior objective of the Gothic Style in the medieval age. The stylized figures, statues, towers and details are projected to the sky, heaven, gods worlds, and if you find the rythm through the position of the whole figures and elements which configure this whole structure maybe you can imagine the sounds of angels, and holy creatures, gods, etc. It can give you a musical image.
That is my perception of the objective of Gothic style, create music from figures, gods music, this cathedrals were created to establish a comunication with god, but it is not the romanic comunication, when the churches were almost a military fortification and god was a dictator, now god is a lyric and evanescent entity, which appears to terrenal people through this elongated forms and figures, where the light and shadows are expressions of the sacred.
Only watching the picture you can feel an energetic thing, from the past, this cathedrals has many remembers, tails, ghosts, they are full of and spiritual perception. You can feel, nostalgic, sadness, lonelyness, protected......
When I saw this picture I remember and hear too, the Requiem of Mozart, specially the Lacrimosa of this piece of music, maybe you can do the exercise of seeing this photography at the same time you listen the lacrimosa, and, I don't know, you may feel something special, alegoric, mysthic, only if you wanted to offcourse. It's very beautiful really.
There isn't more words to explain the picture, you must to see it and think it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Erik Satie is a French musician, composer and a great pianist, from the finals of XIX century and begginings of XX. His work cannot be classified in some style or vanguard but he was ahead of time althought he enter to the conservatory at the age of 40, before of that event he worked in cabaret music. His compositions were an inspiration for some avant-gards it came after of his time and dead. His work is remembered like transgressor and sometimes grotesque, with strange names, ironic and black humor. His personality was annoying and sometimes he had weird ideas, paranoid and anger ones. He is the precursor of enviroment music. But with all this carachteristics and talent, he lived in misery and decadence.

The piece of music that you are listening right now, if you don't put paused at the music player, is called Gnossienne n°1, by this magnificent composer. The name "Gnossienne", hasn't had any meaning, is just an invented word from this serial of compositions. I don't have time to put some specific information about this score, but if you like it you can search it in wikipedia, there are more of this piano pieces called Gnossiennes.
This one is I like most, I heard it about 5 years ago with my uncle, he has a CD with his music, and I fell in love with this piece of art. I don't know exactly what I feel with it but is so romantic (not talking about love, the Romanticism), I imagine some kind of places, mistery, desperation, sadness, melancholy, ancestrals lives, other lives, undescriptible feelings and images. Is so simple and short, but when you listen to it you has and incredible journey through mistical worlds which are only in your imagination, through allegories which has sense only in our collective inconscient. Is just an oniric composition.